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Our Garden / 02

May 2, 2015

Vegetable Garden Vegetable Garden - Peas Vegetable Garden - Pumpkin Big Max Vegetable Garden - French Bean Cobra Vegetable Garden - Tomatoes Vegetable Garden - Cabbages Vegetable Garden - Thyme Vegetable Garden - Strawberries Vegetable Garden - Oregano Vegetable Garden - Kale Vegetable Garden - Potatoes Estima Vegetable Garden - Courgette Vegetable Garden - Basil Vegetable Garden - Franchi Seeds Vegetable Garden - Back Garden PatchI thought it was about time for a garden update again! As you may know, last year Shane and I built this raised bed and grew pretty much all of our veg in that apart from some tomatoes which we grew in separate tubs. This year, I applied for an allotment, though the waiting list in our town is years, so my dad suggested I just dig up some of our back garden instead to use as my own little allotment! I decided to still keep my raised bed out the front for things like salad items and peas, and use the back garden for main items like sweetcorn, brassicas, onions/garlic and squash/pumpkins.

I’m halfway there so far with the back garden – I’ve got a section at the back near the fence for the brassicas, then the patch in the grass will be for the sweetcorn, french beans and summer squash, and then I’m going to dig out another patch infront of that to grow things like potatoes and larger salad items like swiss chard, beetroot and onions and garlic.

I’m so happy with my cavelo nero kale – it got attacked by cabbage butterflies last year to pretty much the point of death and as a last hope I planted it at the side of our house to see if it would recover – it didn’t but a couple weeks ago I found it looking pretty good and with loads of new growth aswell, so I can’t wait to harvest some of that! Today, I’m going to plant my potatoes which have been chitting away as I’m pretty late at planting them out and hopefully I’ll get the second patch dug up! Then I just need to build a chicken barrier so that they don’t eat/scratch at everything.

I was looking back at my archives from this time last year and I can’t believe how far on everything is compared to this year. Pretty much everything I’ve planted so far has either been eaten by slugs, dug up by our cats, or destroyed by the crazy wind we’ve had lately. Hopefully now it’s getting a little warmer, everything will start to grow before the cats can dig it up.

  • Reply
    Katie B
    May 3, 2015 at 7:25 pm

    It’s looking great and full of tasty potential! My kale and chard got absolutely savaged by the butterflies last year too, I almost didn’t bother with them again this year but I enjoyed having fresh greens too much, need to buy some good netting! I do love this time of year! Katie x

  • Reply
    May 7, 2015 at 2:30 am

    I’ve always wanted to try my hand at gardening but space is so limited here in the city. I am so envious of this outing and it looks like such a fun time. I guess the tiny indoor plants will have to do, for now at least…

    thanks for sharing!

  • Reply
    May 21, 2015 at 8:29 pm

    Ah! Your Kale came back?! I definitely don’t live in the part of the world where kale is a perennial; last year mine got attacked by cabbage caterpillars, and then chickens. The chickens must have remembered, because they’ve already eaten the leaves off our tiny kale and broccoli plants. πŸ˜›

    Definitely looking forward to seeing how your garden progresses!


    • Reply
      May 22, 2015 at 6:36 am

      I was so shocked to see it growing there after I’d kinda just dumped it from it being completely eaten by the cabbage butterflies – I guess we just had a really mild winter πŸ™‚ Oh no! I’m worried about my back garden plots as we have free range chickens and I’m just hoping they don’t end up thinking it’s all for them haha!
      xo April

  • Reply
    May 22, 2015 at 1:00 pm

    You have really beautiful garden, you’re lucky πŸ™‚ Unfortunately I have only small place on the balcony but every year I try to plant something on it πŸ™‚

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