A few weekends ago, Shane and I took a trip out to Wimpole Estate for the day. I went there a couple years ago with my mum but couldn’t really remember much of it so it was nice to visit again. We were lucky that the weather was so nice on the day we went too.
The house itself was built in 1640 with many of the other buildings such as the walled garden and the farm being added later. I love the style of the house from the exterior as it reminds me of the American colonial style of houses. It’s nice to see how the maids and servants lived too at the end of the house tour and see the differences between how the rich and working classes lived during those times and see how its developed over the years too.
One of my favourite things about the house (if you couldn’t already tell) were the floors and ceilings. The details in the ceilings were amazing – though I didn’t get any photos apart from in the chapel. I also loved the library too. Apparently its got one of the biggest collections of books in the national trust. They had a leak a couple of years ago where some of the books were ruined so they’re currently in the process of taking the water stains out of the paper which was so amazing to see. We also visited the farm but that will be in another post as I don’t want to overload you all with pictures haha! How is your weekend so far?
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