This past month was a bit of a lazy month in terms of blogging – we actually did quite a bit, but I never ended up blogging about a lot of it.
We started the month with a trip out to Dunwich Heath to see the bright fields of purple heather which was absolutely amazing. I’ll definitely go back next year for more than a few hours to properly enjoy it!
We also took a trip up to Clumber Park for a food festival that was there for a weekend, though I never got any photos of the actual food festival (which was really good – I’d definitely recommend it for next year), we managed to stop by the walled kitchen garden before we left and spent a good hour wandering the amazing borders.
We enjoyed a picnic at our local woods and explored around the area for a bit.
Then a couple of weekends ago, we took a trip down to london for the day and explored the Southbank. I’ve still got the rest of the posts from our trip down there, including a post all about the real food market.
What have you been up to lately? Anything fun planned for this month?
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