Garden Home & Garden

Our Vegetable Garden Plan

April 3, 2014

IMG_4397 copy IMG_4437 copy IMG_4368 copySince we have more space this year than with our container garden last year, we decided to just dive in at the deep end and try to grow everything. By everything, I kinda do mean everything haha! I think it would be easier to list the vegetables that we aren’t attempting to grow than what we are. I was originally going to sow everything in rows, but then I read about the square foot gardening method and decided to try that out instead.

With square foot gardening, you divide your gardening area into square foot blocks and grow a different crop in each square. Depending on the size of each vegetable you can have between 1-16 plants in each square – it all depends on how much space each plant needs. We’re growing beetroot this year, but for 2 people we don’t really need to grow 9-16 beetroot plants (which is the recommended number per square), so we’re mixing it up a little and adding more or less of what we need, but still making sure that each plant has enough room to grow.

Our Vegetable PlotDon’t you just love my amazing drawing skills haha?! This is just a basic overview of what plants and how many of them I’ll be putting into each square. We’ll see how it goes! And just incase you’re wondering, you can find the post about how we built the raised garden bed here.

So far, I’ve planted out a few of each of the root veg and lettuce, spinach and rocket, and also the onions, leeks and peas. I’ve only planted about a 1/4 of the total amount of each vegetable so that I can stagger the harvests. I don’t want to end up with loads of vegetables to eat all at once! The majority of the other stuff has been started indoors, along with some tomatoes and courgettes (zucchini) and some strawberry plants from last year which will be in containers in the sunnier side of the garden. I’ll be posting updates over the next few months as to how its working out!

Are you growing anything this year? I’d love to follow along too – and if you have any suggestions, then please let me know! I’m completely new at this so anything would be helpful 🙂

  • Reply
    April 8, 2014 at 2:56 am

    Darling Garden plans, Love the drawings! Can’t wait to see how your garden grows. I hope to grow cucumbers, mini pumpkins & gourds and maybe my grapes will have fruit. All vines, I know! The rest will be flowers.

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